Launch Partners

Launch Partners

Shariah ETF first for ITS platform

GLOBAL: The first Shariah compliant exchange-traded fund (ETF) in Central Asia and the Caucasus was launched by trading platform ITS on the AIX exchange at the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) on the 13th January 2025. The initial offering saw 500,000 ITS Shariah ETF units bought, with the fund managed by IPS Capital – which operates as an Islamic window within the AIFC. The fund’s portfolio consists of 30 of the largest global companies. These include tech firms Apple, Microsoft, Nvidia, AMD and Tesla; oil companies ExxonMobil and Chevron; pharmaceutical giants Merck & Co, AstraZeneca and Abbott Laboratories; consumer goods manufacturers Procter & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson plus global payment systems Visa and Mastercard. 

Note: Read full report here


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